California's Drought, What Actions You Can Take
Quick Summary
- Our campus, and all of Yolo County, is under extreme drought conditions
- Our campus has invested heavily in water conservation; we now use less water per capita than we did in 2005.
- To help further improve conservation efforts, report water leaks and be mindful of water saving best practices.

Every Aggie has an important role helping UC Davis and their communities save water.
We are in a serious drought. According to Drought.gov, 46% of California — including 100% of Yolo County — is under Extreme Drought conditions. Here are some tips to help you conserve water on and off-campus!
Over the years, UC Davis has invested repeatedly in water-conserving fixtures, irrigation, and central water infrastructure, so we use less water per capita than we did in 2005. That is great progress. And we need to continue the work.
Please join your fellow Aggies in being creative, mindful, and responsible stewards of our precious water resources. We have some tips below and also on our website.
Report leaks
If you find a leak on campus, report it! This includes faucet leaks, broken fixtures, broken irrigation spray heads, or other water waste.
- In Davis campus Student Housing residence halls and dining commons: Submit an online service request.
- On the Davis campus (non-residence halls): Call Facilities Management by calling (530) 752-1655. The line is open 24/7.
- UC Davis Health students, residents, faculty and staff: Call Physical Operations & Maintenance at 916-734-2763.
- Other UC Davis locations, like Bodega or Tahoe or Tulare: Contact your location’s facility manager to report leaks.
Be mindful
Whether you brush your teeth at home or at work, turn off the water while brushing. When you wash your coffee mug, water bottle, etc., don't leave the water running while you soap it up.
- Water your plants and yard in the morning or at night to prevent evaporation. Be sure you aren't watering the pavement!
- Don't over-wash labware or dishes. Run autoclaves, labware washers, and dishwashers only when full. Choose the correct settings for the items you're running through.
- Use soap and rinse basins/tubs instead of running water when hand-washing dishes or labware.